Monday, May 17, 2010

Bridget & Toni's Wedding

What a wonderful magical day saturday was. I had the pleasure of watching one of my best friends marry the love of her life.
Congratulations Bridget and Toni I wish you both all the happiness in the world.
(please note I am not a wedding photographer)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Funky Little People

I am so delighted to show you the hat I got from Tess at Funky Little People. I LOVE IT! THANK YOU TESS

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What you want

Hi everyone, whilst I am on maternity leave I have decided to give the business a bit of a change. I will be looking at portfolio changes, web changes, new props and the list goes on.
I would love to hear what as a customer you would like to see added; photobooks? storyboards? different packages? or anything else you would like to see available.

Please add you comments and ideas so that I can look into them all over the next few months.

Thank you all

Saturday, April 17, 2010


ITS A BOY!!!!!!! Oliver David Nihill was born on the 14th April 2010 at 11.35pm weighing 7lb5.

He is absolutly beautiful I am soooo in love.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank you everyone

I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout 2009 and 2010. I have loved being able to spend time with you and your beautiful children.

Our family has just over 8 weeks until our latest addition is born, and we are all very excited. I will be starting maternity leave on the 01st April, so I am starting to wind things up, if anyone is after re-prints, disks (on sale for $150) or a session time please let me know so that I can get it organised for you before all the crazy starts.
Thank you all once again for being so wonderful, you have really made my job the most wonderful one in the world.

Disk Special

Hi everyone, recently I have had alot of people comment that they really want photo's done but money is a little bit of an issue.
Now that I am winding down for maternity leave, I have decided to redo my disk special but cheaper than ever before.
$150 will get you your session at your home or chosen location and a disk of all of your high res images. As part of this package you will also have the option to receive a free 8x10 print if I am able to add some of your photographs to my portfolio.
As I commence maternity leave on April 01st places will be limited so please call me ASAP to secure your place.

0433 643 640

Friday, January 29, 2010

Free $20 Cheeky Bear Photography Gift Vouchers

Only 12 weeks left until I start maternity leave so I have decided to give everyone who has their session prior to April 1st a $20 gift voucher. Feel free to forward this around to all your family and friends.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Summer Rose

My beautiful Summer was so excited today when her Grandma turned up with a new dress.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Welcome to the world Portia Ann

On the 15th of January at 7.22pm my beautiful bestfriend had her perfect little girl, Portia Ann. On this day I laughed and cried and laughed again. Welcome to the world Portia and congratulations to Natty, Phil, Dominic and Sapphire.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2009 Disk Clearance

Hi Everyone the time has come again for me to clear out the disk's from my 2009 sessions.

Disks of all of your high resolution images will be sold for $150, cheaper than ever before.

If you are interested in receiving your disk please contact me prior to Feb 01st 2010.

Hope to hear from you soon

0433 643 640